Specialty Programs

ShoulderRelief Now!

1 in 2 Canadian seniors will suffer a rotator cuff injury. For most patients, surgery is not necessary and rehabilitation therapy can return patients to better function.

Why should you sign-up for ShoulderRelief Now?

  • 8-week education and exercise program delivered by registered healthcare professionals for patients with rotator cuff injuries.
  • Reduce the use of painkillers, avoid surgery, and improve your quality of life.
  • Program includes 16 education and exercise sessions designed to allow you to be more active.
Book Your Appointment
Shoulder Relief Now Services

BoneHealth Now!

More than 2 million Canadians are living with osteoporosis. Fractures from osteoporosis are more common than heart attack, stroke and breast cancer combined!

Why should you sign-up for BoneHealth Now?

  • 12-week education and exercise program delivered by registered healthcare professionals for patients with reduced bone density such as osteopenia or osteoporosis.
  • Increase your bone strength, reduce your risk of falls and fractures, and improve your overall health.
  • Program includes education and exercise sessions designed to allow you to be more active.
Book Your Appointment
Bone Health Now Services

MommyHealth Now!

Pre and post-natal care are key components of a healthy pregnancy and a healthy life after birth for you and your child. Babies born to mothers that receive prenatal care are more likely to be healthy.

  • 12-week education and exercise program delivered by registered health care providers for pregnant moms.
  • Reduce your pain, restore your muscle strength and tone, and learn proper ergonomics for breastfeeding, handling your baby and household chores.
  • Program includes 12 education and exercise sessions.
Book Your Appointment
Mommy Health Now Services